
Thursday, 17 November 2011

Roman Motives for Starting the First Punic War

The first two Punic Wars, covering the years 264-201 BC, represent Rome's first major activity outside the Italian peninsula and mark the beginnings of Rome's Mediterranean imperialism.

However, no historical event occurs in isolation. What were the reasons that propelled Rome into a risky war outside the Italian mainland?

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Was Hannibal 'Black'?

A 'classical' depiction of Hannibal

Judging from the feedback I have received in the past, this is a pretty controversial question. Most classical depictions show him as a bearded warrior - but distinctly not having what we might call 'typical black African features'. Some modern images shown Hannibal as very definitely 'black African', arguing that there has been 'historical racism''.

So what is the truth?

Cato - by Cornelius Nepos

Cornelius Nepos wrote brief essays on a number of characters involved in the history of Hannibal, including Carthage's arch-enemy, Marcus Porcius Cato (or Cato the Elder).

Hamilcar - by Cornelius Nepos

Cornelius Nepos wrote brief essays on a number of characters involved in the history of Hannibal, including Hannibal's father Hamilcar Barca.

Hannibal - by Cornelius Nepos

Cornelius Nepos wrote brief essays on a number of characters involved in the history of Hannibal, including the man himself.

According to his own statement Nepos wrote biography, not history. The lives were addressed to the general public and there are obvious links of genre to the parallel lives of Plutarch. 

Hannibal the Admiral

Hannibal is famous for his military victories. In fact he only lost one significant land battle - at Zama, to a Roman force led by P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus.

However, Hannibal also lost another, lesser-known battle - but at sea. He was bested by Eudamus of Rhodes.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Hannibal in Bithynia and his Death

Hannibal's Death

The end of Hannibal is not glorious - but rather is a story of a man pursued implacably by the Roman state.

Hannibal's last years are spent selling his military services to increasingly unattractive (and unappreciative) rulers in the Near East.