
Places and Maps

Map of the known world (by Posidonius)

ITALY | Roman expansion

Apulia | Venusia | Cannae | Arpi

Campania | Capua | Nola | Teanum Sidicinum

Bruttium | Crotone | Rhegium

Magna Grecia | Tarentum | Paestum | Locri | Benevenuto | Liternum | Trasimene


SICILY | Lilybaeum | Syracuse | Drepanum | Erice | Gela | Panormus | Mylae | Agrigentum | Messana | Eryx | Selinunte | Enna, Morgantina | Motya | Leontini

GREECE | Sparta | Achaean League | Aetolian League | Macedonia

MEDITERRANEAN | Evolution of power 270-218 BC | Phoenician Colonies | Resources | Water level of the Mediterranean
| Sardinia | Malta | Balearic Islands |

NORTH AFRICA | Carthage | Cirte | Numidia | Utica | Hadrumetum | Dougga | Hippo Regius | Carthage map | North Africa map | Modern Tunis map

SPAIN | Gades | Carthago Nova | Saguntum | Tarraco | Seville | Emporiae | Italica |

MIDDLE EAST | Armenia | Bithynia | Gebze | Magnesia | Pergamum | Libyssa |

First Punic War | Major locations

Second Punic War | Overview of the campaigns | The four stages of the war

Historical Atlas of the Second Punic War (a great selection of home-made maps, originally in Spanish)

Greek World | Empires after Alexander the Great

A number of Latin maps and an index of place names are available from Lacus Curtius.

Iberia | Northern Iberia | Southern Iberia | Baetica | Tarraconensis

Gaul | Southern Gaul

Italy | Liguria | Northeastern Italy | North Central Italy | Latium | South Central Italy | Campania |Southern Italy

Africa | Cyrene | Mauretania | Numidia