The life of the Carthaginian general Hannibal Barca and his lifelong struggle against the Romans, set against the background of the Punic Wars between Carthage and Rome. This blog links to a related web-site that contains additional information and images.
Places and Maps
Map of the known world (by Posidonius)
ITALY | Roman expansion
Apulia | Venusia | Cannae | Arpi
Campania | Capua | Nola | Teanum Sidicinum
Bruttium | Crotone | Rhegium
Magna Grecia | Tarentum | Paestum | Locri | Benevenuto | Liternum | Trasimene
SICILY | Lilybaeum | Syracuse | Drepanum | Erice | Gela | Panormus | Mylae | Agrigentum | Messana | Eryx | Selinunte | Enna, Morgantina | Motya | Leontini
GREECE | Sparta | Achaean League | Aetolian League | Macedonia
MEDITERRANEAN | Evolution of power 270-218 BC | Phoenician Colonies | Resources | Water level of the Mediterranean
| Sardinia | Malta | Balearic Islands |
NORTH AFRICA | Carthage | Cirte | Numidia | Utica | Hadrumetum | Dougga | Hippo Regius | Carthage map | North Africa map | Modern Tunis map
SPAIN | Gades | Carthago Nova | Saguntum | Tarraco | Seville | Emporiae | Italica |
MIDDLE EAST | Armenia | Bithynia | Gebze | Magnesia | Pergamum | Libyssa |
First Punic War | Major locations
Second Punic War | Overview of the campaigns | The four stages of the war
Historical Atlas of the Second Punic War (a great selection of home-made maps, originally in Spanish)
Greek World | Empires after Alexander the Great
A number of Latin maps and an index of place names are available from Lacus Curtius.
Iberia | Northern Iberia | Southern Iberia | Baetica | Tarraconensis
Gaul | Southern Gaul
Italy | Liguria | Northeastern Italy | North Central Italy | Latium | South Central Italy | Campania |Southern Italy
Africa | Cyrene | Mauretania | Numidia