
What's New

Or rather 'was was new' on the website: I am currently incorporating these into the blog.

November 2002 Asculum | Triremes | Allia | 2 Hollywood films in preparation about Hannibal!
August 2002 Marsala Wreck |
April 2002 New Art page | Motya | EriceLeontini |
March 2002 Restructuring of Timelines |
February 2002 Roman maniple vs. Macedonian Phalanx | Barcelona | Carthage's Coins | The Celts | The Italian Committee of Cannae |
January 2002 Cato and Scipio | Scipio - the Opera | Hippo Regius | Iberian weapons |
December 2001 GreeceSparta | Hannibal Trivia | Early leaders of Carthage | Carthage and the fall of Gaius Gracchi
November 2001 Results of the Punic Wars |
October 2001 Carthage and Syracuse | Scipio Africanus timeline | Carthage's culture | Petrarch's Africa | Phoenician trade | Polybius and Livy| Camillus and the Gauls | Quiz | Revamped Spain page | Revamped Places & Maps |
September 2001 Major editing/restructuring.
August 2001 The Pydna Monument | Rhodes and Rome | Destruction of Corinth | Regulus and the Giant Snake | Ships | Phoenician language | Tiepolo - Scipio freeing Massiva | Caroto - Sophonisbe drinking poison | hoplite | Battle of Agrigentum |
July 2001 The War between Rome and Pyrrhus | Samnite Wars | The Rise of Rome | Rome's Foreign Relations | Rome intervenes abroad | Achaean League | Aetolian LeagueTriumph of Aemilius Paulus |
June 2001 L. Aemilius Paullus ; Rome and the Hellenistic World ; Carthage and the Aeneid ; Carthage must be destroyed ; the Flacii | 'Tours' ; Netscape-friendly (almost) - sorry guys for the delay, it did look dreadful).
May 2001 Gaius Duilius | Strabo's description of Africa | Metellus | Summary of Livy 26-30 | Stela | Indian Elephants bigger than African ones? | Map of the Known World by Posidonius | the Voyage of Hanno | Teanum Sidicinum | Constitution of the Roman Republic | John Tzetzes | Gela | The Celts in Battle ; Appian of Alexandria | Carthage in the New World? | Roman Money, Weights & Measures | Map of Phoenecian trade
April 2001 Phoenicia ; Numantine War | Arrian ; Hannibal - the Play; Spain - Christopher Mackay ; Paintings of Republican Rome ;Cornelia, daughter of Scipio Africanus ; Balearic Islands ; Liternum |Seneca's letter from Liternum ; Elephant Dish ; Study Guide for Livy ; Petrarch - Africa ; Numidia ; Cirta ; Dio Cassius ; Coins of the Roman Republic ; the dispute between Cato and Scipio ; Scipio Africanus in Asia ;
March 2001 Nola;
February 2001 New logo (first attempt); Slaves; Hellenistic world; Capua and Casilium; Causes of the Second Punic War | the Roman State in outline; Perseus of Macedonia; Dual-language (Latin-English) texts: Cannae, Trebbia, Trasimene, Zama;
January 2001 The Allobroges; Agathocles of Syracuse; improved section on Books;
December 2000 The Syrian War; Armenia; Places;

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating! I am also an avid fan of Hannibals story, so much so that I walked from Spain to Italy to discover for myself just what this undertaken must have been like. Heresmy blog and website.
