The City of Carthage | Carthage - remains and excavations | Carthage - Layout of the City and remains
The Phoenicians | Early History | Foundation of Carthage | Dido and Aeneas | Carthage and Phoenician Colonisation
Carthage's expansion and supremacy
Early Leaders | Government of Carthage | Famous Carthaginians
Carthage in Sicily | Against Agathocles and Pyrrhus
The 'Truceless War' (241-237 BC)
Aristotle's opinion (c340 BC)
Carthaginian Army
Carthage's trade
Hanno and the lion
Description by Creasy
Carthage in Spain - Carthago Nova | North Africa
Carthage and the Numidians
Religion in Carthage | 'Gods in Stone' article | Punic Names | Mask | Carthage's culture | Carthage's Literature | Carthaginian coins
Destruction of Carthage | Carthage after the Roman Destruction | Carthage Forgotten? | Assessment |
Carthage - Christopher Mackay | Carthage in the New World? |
Map of the Carthaginian Empire in 220 BC | Map of modern Tunis | Map of the Carthaginian Empire 265-219 BC